More 68000 power in 2024!
Marco BreddinShare
This year we close with the end of an important book production. The topic deals with the system battle and the developing 16-bit flame war between Atari ST and Amiga. Two strong opposites that attracted each other. The companies and personalities behind them provided us with their stories. In a fateful way, their paths crossed and fostered strong communities and clubs that defended their system with a level of commitment rarely seen in computer history. The vision was for a future that could have turned out very differently than it did.
68000 processors gave rise to a new computer industry. We researched the historical press and media, and involved over 25 people in the project. These include the marketing directors of Atari and Commodore UK, who share their very personal stories exclusively in this book. Game producers such as Simon Butler, Stoo Cambridge, Martin Pedersen, Tobias Richter and Marc Rosocha have dug deep for us and take us back to the days of 16/32-bit computing. Computer users – people like you and me – revive their passion and first encounters with Amiga and ST. Scene experts, programmers, digital artists and former hackers and crackers will reveal their very special relationship to these pioneering mouse-operating systems.
68000: The Flame Wars. English Hardback Edition. 400 full-colour pages. Bold layout with proven quality. Available from February 2024 at a special price. Only at Microzeit.