Pixel Passion on Paper
In every image is a passion for computer technology and a vision of the digital. Stories of gain and loss, evolution and revolution: Profoundly human narratives.

Books for Digital People
Micro & Mission
100% Fulfilment
Our product ideas are carried out without compromise. Every book has been delivered to our customers. We stand by our word.
We cooperate hand in hand with our local printing and delivery services to reduce energy costs and climate emissions.
We believe in a strong community. New book ideas come together with you. Crowdfunding developed into our tool over the years. Half a dozen book projects via Kickstarter and Indiegogo were made possible by your pre-orders and led to the fact that we are now deeply rooted in book production.
European Entrepreneurship
Our stories are based on interviews with contemporary witnesses, thorough press analyses and historical research. Written by a qualified German journalist, copyedited and proofread in Finland and the UK.
Design vs. Story
We do not put the text above the layout or vice versa. Our team is qualified in both disciplines and works with a balanced approach in order to make an equal appeal to the eye and the mind.
High-Quality printing
Our book printing facility has been awarded for its production quality. Finest offset printing with brilliant colours and reliable binding ensures your reading pleasure. Every book stands the test of time.
Independent publishing
We are in no way dependent on any company or specific sponsors. We love what we do. It is our passion that drives us.
Team spirit
We work with people and witnesses who want a book product beyond the market reach. Each of our works is an international collaboration of designers, photographers and storytellers and as such a testament to the team spirit.
Portraying an entire society, a scene, an industry can never be easy. We emphasise the transmission of the zeitgeist and include pop-culture as well as media and market influences. In this way, we give our readers a narrative of the respective micro-epoch.