Micro Machines: Atari Jaguar
Antti MuttaShare
Jaguar was Atari's last home video console. It saw a limited release in New York and San Francisco on November 23, 1993. The system was launched globally in 1994 in most territories.
Atari marketed Jaguar as the world's first 64-bit game console, when in fact the GPU and DSP operated at 32-bits. Developers struggled with the system's complex multi-chip architecture.
The Jaguar failed to attract customers. Partly this was due to Atari's financial woes, which led to a smaller marketing budget. Partly the reason was the system's game library which remained tiny and couldn't convince enough gamers.
During its three-year run from 1993 to 1996, Jaguar sold less than 150 000 units, and only 44 cartridge game titles were released. Few more official titles were released after the console's official commercial run ended. Jaguar also had an optional CD-ROM drive peripheral, which had 13 games.