Ultimate GFA Demo (1990)
Antti MuttaShare
In the mid-1980s, an advanced dialect of BASIC programming language called GFA Basic became popular on 16-bit computers, especially on the Atari ST. However, there were plenty of doubters in the demoscene where low-level assembly language ruled. Many coders snickered at what was seen still as a primitive and restricted language.

GFA Basic was a very fast interpreter that implemented machine-oriented commands.
In May 1990, The French group The Overlanders (OVR) showed all the unbelievers what GFA Basic could do in capable hands. With Ultimate GFA Demo, The Overlanders presented over a dozen of screens with exciting effects many would have never thought possible with BASIC.
Read more about The Overlanders, the Ultimate GFA Demo and the demoscene in Microzeit's book Breakin' The Borders. Revised and revamped second edition is now available in our shop.