Kickstarter launch: 22 February 2025

Kickstarter launch: 22 February 2025

Marco Breddin

Our very first Commodore 64 Kickstarter is in the starting blocks! ?REDO FROM START will consist of an extensive anthology of 64 interviews and will shed unique light on the home computer era from 1982 to 1985.

How this pioneering period paved the way for the Commodore 64 as a games machine and why it was so spectacular for a single producer and Micro-Kid is what our author discussed with 64 innovators of the time.

The new Microzeit book travels back in time to the first peeks and pokes of the C64 pioneers with their astonishingly atmospheric productions of the early ’80s. Often, it was these one-man businesses that, with all their creative efforts, showed how much can be achieved with so little. They paved the way for others and gave rise to a multi-billion-dollar business.

David Crane, Jeff Bruette, Doug Carlston, Dane Bigham, Chuck Benton, Steve Hales and Paul Norman are just a few of the 64 voices of the era that are being heard in the two-volume set.

They resurrect classics such as Pitfall!, Frogger, Ghostbusters, Lode Runner, Gorf, Wizard of Wor, BC' Quest for Tires, Caverns of Khafka, Aztec Challenge, Beyond the Forbidden Forest or Fort Apocalypse.

Join us as we open the next chapter with ?REDO. The financing process is scheduled to begin on 22 February. It will last for about 30 days. We are still working on the presentation. If you are interested, you can subscribe to the Kickstarter notification or wait for our start signal in the newsletter or social media channels.

KICKSTARTER: 22 February 2025
?REDO FROM START – volume 1/2
±800 pages Hardback book series
64 Commodore developer legends

We would be delighted if you can share the project with your peer groups. We need the best possible response for a premiere of this kind!


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