Amiga Scene: Desert Dream
Antti MuttaShare
Desert Dream from the Danish Amiga group Kefrens is considered by many as one of the absolute all-time classic demos on any platform. At the time of writing, the two-disk Amiga 500 production is ranked at number 50 on the popular demoscene board Pouet.net.
Many sceners remember fondly of this nearly 15 minute effects show, which just keeps throwing new things at the watcher at a steady pace. Still, it's the first four minutes which made probably the biggest impression at first viewing.

The 3D vector introduction is an epic, impressive, and thoroughly hilarious, narrative story about ancient people called the Kefrens, who populate the same land as the Egyptians.
Soon enough we learn that the two of the biggest differences between these great nations is the former's anonimosity towards melons and that their great pyramid comes featured with a built-in missile launcher.

Older demoscene veterans will immediately recognize the melon reference as a jab at another famous Danish Amiga group, Melon Dezign. Allegedly they had ragged Kefrens in one of their production and sparked off a friendly scene war.
Like most bigger demos, Desert Dream was made by a group of people. Still, one name rises above in the credits. The person going by the alias Laxity was not only the main coder of the demo, but also a graphician, designer, and most of all, the composer of the multi-part soundtrack, which remains a favorite of many sceners to this day. Quite the renaissance man!
Desert Dreams. Code by Laxity and Zeus. Graphics by Airwalk, Blizzart, Laxity and RWO. Music by Laxity. Design by Airwalk, Laxity, Zeus. Text by Laxity. Released at The Gathering 1993 demo party in Lillestrom, Norway in April 199
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